Getting started

This plugin is a collection of work chains and calculation functions that combine the use of multiple codes (e.g., CP2K, DDEC, Raspa, Zeo++, …) to achieve advanced automated tasks.


Use the following commands to install the plugin:

git clone .
cd aiida-lsmo
pip install -e .


This will install also the related plugins (e.g., aiida-cp2k, aiida-raspa, …) if not present already, but the codes (e.g, CP2K, RASPA, …) need to be set up before using these work chains.


Consider that, for each work chain, at least one example is provided in the examples directory: these examples are usually quick and you can run them on your localhost in a couple of minutes.

A quick demo on how to submit a work chain:

verdi daemon start         # make sure the daemon is running
cd examples
verdi run raspa@localhost zeopp@localhost

Note that in the running script, the work chain is imported using the WorkflowFactory:

from aiida.plugins import WorkflowFactory

IsothermWorkChain = WorkflowFactory('lsmo.isotherm')

while a calculation function is imported with the CalculationFactory:

from aiida.plugins import CalculationFactory

FFBuilder = CalculationFactory('lsmo.ff_builder')

After you run the work chain you can inspect the log, for example:

$ verdi process report

2019-11-22 16:54:52 [90962 | REPORT]: [266248|Cp2kMultistageWorkChain|setup_multistage]: Unit cell was NOT resized
2019-11-22 16:54:52 [90963 | REPORT]: [266248|Cp2kMultistageWorkChain|run_stage]: submitted Cp2kBaseWorkChain for stage_0/settings_0
2019-11-22 16:54:52 [90964 | REPORT]:   [266252|Cp2kBaseWorkChain|run_calculation]: launching Cp2kCalculation<266253> iteration #1
2019-11-22 16:55:13 [90965 | REPORT]:   [266252|Cp2kBaseWorkChain|inspect_calculation]: Cp2kCalculation<266253> completed successfully
2019-11-22 16:55:13 [90966 | REPORT]:   [266252|Cp2kBaseWorkChain|results]: work chain completed after 1 iterations
2019-11-22 16:55:14 [90967 | REPORT]:   [266252|Cp2kBaseWorkChain|on_terminated]: remote folders will not be cleaned
2019-11-22 16:55:14 [90968 | REPORT]: [266248|Cp2kMultistageWorkChain|inspect_and_update_settings_stage0]: Bandgaps spin1/spin2: -0.058 and -0.058 ev
2019-11-22 16:55:14 [90969 | REPORT]: [266248|Cp2kMultistageWorkChain|inspect_and_update_settings_stage0]: BAD SETTINGS: band gap is < 0.100 eV
2019-11-22 16:55:14 [90970 | REPORT]: [266248|Cp2kMultistageWorkChain|run_stage]: submitted Cp2kBaseWorkChain for stage_0/settings_1
2019-11-22 16:55:15 [90971 | REPORT]:   [266259|Cp2kBaseWorkChain|run_calculation]: launching Cp2kCalculation<266260> iteration #1
2019-11-22 16:55:34 [90972 | REPORT]:   [266259|Cp2kBaseWorkChain|inspect_calculation]: Cp2kCalculation<266260> completed successfully
2019-11-22 16:55:34 [90973 | REPORT]:   [266259|Cp2kBaseWorkChain|results]: work chain completed after 1 iterations
2019-11-22 16:55:34 [90974 | REPORT]:   [266259|Cp2kBaseWorkChain|on_terminated]: remote folders will not be cleaned
2019-11-22 16:55:35 [90975 | REPORT]: [266248|Cp2kMultistageWorkChain|inspect_and_update_settings_stage0]: Bandgaps spin1/spin2: 0.000 and 0.000 ev
2019-11-22 16:55:35 [90976 | REPORT]: [266248|Cp2kMultistageWorkChain|inspect_and_update_stage]: Structure updated for next stage
2019-11-22 16:55:35 [90977 | REPORT]: [266248|Cp2kMultistageWorkChain|run_stage]: submitted Cp2kBaseWorkChain for stage_1/settings_1
2019-11-22 16:55:35 [90978 | REPORT]:   [266266|Cp2kBaseWorkChain|run_calculation]: launching Cp2kCalculation<266267> iteration #1
2019-11-22 16:55:53 [90979 | REPORT]:   [266266|Cp2kBaseWorkChain|inspect_calculation]: Cp2kCalculation<266267> completed successfully
2019-11-22 16:55:53 [90980 | REPORT]:   [266266|Cp2kBaseWorkChain|results]: work chain completed after 1 iterations
2019-11-22 16:55:54 [90981 | REPORT]:   [266266|Cp2kBaseWorkChain|on_terminated]: remote folders will not be cleaned
2019-11-22 16:55:54 [90982 | REPORT]: [266248|Cp2kMultistageWorkChain|inspect_and_update_stage]: Structure updated for next stage
2019-11-22 16:55:54 [90983 | REPORT]: [266248|Cp2kMultistageWorkChain|inspect_and_update_stage]: All stages computed, finishing...
2019-11-22 16:55:55 [90984 | REPORT]: [266248|Cp2kMultistageWorkChain|results]: Outputs: Dict<266273> and StructureData<266271>

You can also inspect the inputs/outputs in a single glance with verdi node show, for example:

$ verdi node show 266248

Property     Value
-----------  ------------------------------------
type         Cp2kMultistageWorkChain
state        Finished [0]
pk           266248
uuid         f707d727-f7c2-4232-a90c-d9e2711e5fe6
ctime        2019-11-22 16:54:51.692140+00:00
mtime        2019-11-22 16:55:55.239555+00:00
computer     [21] localhost

Inputs                 PK      Type
---------------------  ------  -------------
    clean_workdir      266246  Bool
    max_iterations     266245  Int
        code           265588  Code
        parameters     266244  Dict
min_cell_size          266247  Float
protocol_modify        266243  Dict
protocol_tag           266241  Str
starting_settings_idx  266242  Int
structure              266240  StructureData

Outputs                    PK  Type
---------------------  ------  -------------
last_input_parameters  266265  Dict
output_parameters      266273  Dict
output_structure       266271  StructureData
remote_folder          266268  RemoteData

Called                      PK  Type
----------------------  ------  ----------------
CALL                    266272  CalcFunctionNode
run_stage_1_settings_1  266266  WorkChainNode
run_stage_0_settings_1  266259  WorkChainNode
run_stage_0_settings_0  266252  WorkChainNode
CALL                    266249  CalcFunctionNode

Log messages
There are 11 log messages for this calculation
Run 'verdi process report 266248' to see them

Another good idea is to print the graph of your workflow with verdi node graph generate, to inspect all its internal steps:
