Source code for aiida_lsmo.calcfunctions.ff_builder_module

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""ff_builder calcfunction."""
import tempfile
import shutil
import os
from math import sqrt
import ruamel.yaml as yaml

from aiida.orm import SinglefileData
from aiida.engine import calcfunction

from .ff_data_schema import FF_DATA_SCHEMA

THISDIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

[docs]def check_ff_list(inp_list): """Check a list of atom types: 1) Remove duplicates, preserving the order of the elements. 2) Warn if there are atom types with the same name but different parameters 3) If a shorter atom type comes later, swap the order # TODO! """ out_list = [] for item in inp_list: if item.split()[0] not in [x.split()[0] for x in out_list]: # atom type label is unique out_list.append(item) else: if item in out_list: # Two atom types are exactly the same pass else: raise ValueError('Two atom types with same name but different parameters are used.') return out_list
[docs]def load_yaml(): """Load the ff_data.yaml as a dict. Includes validation against schema. """ yamlfullpath = os.path.join(THISDIR, 'ff_data.yaml') with open(yamlfullpath, 'r') as stream: ff_data = yaml.safe_load(stream) FF_DATA_SCHEMA(ff_data) return ff_data
[docs]def get_ase_charges(cifdata): """Given a CifData, get an ASE object with charges.""" charges_list = [] for line in cifdata.get_content().split('\n'): # QUITE FRAGILE, but should always work well with aiida-ddec CIFs line_split = line.split() if len(line_split) == 6: charges_list.append(float(line_split[-1])) ase_atoms = cifdata.get_ase() # It does not get the charges: need to parse and add them. ase_atoms.set_initial_charges(charges=charges_list) # move the molecule closer to the origin (it was in the center of the box for CP2K) return ase_atoms
[docs]def append_cif_molecule(ff_data, mol_cif): """Append the FF parameters generated from the CifData, to the ff_loaded from the yaml""" mol_ase = get_ase_charges(mol_cif) mol_name, ff_name = 'MOL', 'on-the-fly' ff_data[mol_name] = { 'critical_constants': { 'tc': 999.99, 'pc': 9999999, 'af': 9.9, }, ff_name: { 'description': 'Force field generated on-the-fly with standard LJ parameters, and DFT geometry and charges', 'atom_types': {}, 'atomic_positions': [] } } for atom in mol_ase: at_label = f'{atom.symbol}_{atom.index}' ff_data[mol_name][ff_name]['atom_types'][at_label] = { 'force_field': 'use-framework-ff', 'pseudo_atom': [ 'yes', atom.symbol, atom.symbol, 0, float(atom.mass), float(atom.charge), 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, 'relative', 0 ] } ff_data[mol_name][ff_name]['atomic_positions'].append([at_label, float(atom.x), float(atom.y), float(atom.z)]) return ff_data
[docs]def string_to_singlefiledata(string, filename): """Convert a string to a SinglefileData.""" tempdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='aiida_ff-builder_') filepath = os.path.join(tempdir, filename) with open(filepath, 'w') as fobj: fobj.write(string) singlefiledata = SinglefileData(file=filepath) shutil.rmtree(tempdir) return singlefiledata
[docs]def render_ff_mixing_def(ff_data, params): """Render the force_field_mixing_rules.def file.""" output = [] output.append('# general rule for shifted vs truncated (file generated by aiida-raspa)') output.append(['truncated', 'shifted'][params['shifted']]) output.append('# general rule tail corrections') output.append(['no', 'yes'][params['tail_corrections']]) output.append('# number of defined interactions') force_field_lines = [] ff_mix_found = False #If becomes True, needs to handle the mixing differently # TODO: this needs to be sorted for python versions where dictionaries are not sorted! #pylint: disable=fixme # If separate_interactions==True, prints only "none" interactions for the molecules for atom_type, ff_pot in ff_data['framework'][params['ff_framework']]['atom_types'].items(): force_field_lines.append(' '.join([str(x) for x in [atom_type] + ff_pot])) for molecule, ff_name in params['ff_molecules'].items(): for atom_type, val in ff_data[molecule][ff_name]['atom_types'].items(): if 'force_field_mix' in val: ff_mix_found = True ff_pot = val['force_field_mix'] elif val['force_field'] == 'use-framework-ff': continue else: ff_pot = val['force_field'] # In case of "separate_interactions" write the ff only if none particle if not params['separate_interactions'] or ff_pot[0].lower() == 'none': force_field_lines.append(' '.join([str(x) for x in [atom_type] + ff_pot])) force_field_lines = check_ff_list(force_field_lines) output.append(len(force_field_lines)) output.append('# atom_type, interaction, parameters') output.extend(force_field_lines) output.append('# general mixing rule for Lennard-Jones') output.append(params['mixing_rule']) string = '\n'.join([str(x) for x in output]) + '\n' return string_to_singlefiledata(string, 'force_field_mixing_rules.def'), ff_mix_found
[docs]def mix_molecule_ff(ff_list, mixing_rule): """Mix molecule-molecule interactions in case of separate_interactions: return mixed ff_list""" ff_mix = [] for i, ffi in enumerate(ff_list): for ffj in ff_list[i:]: if ffi[1].lower() == ffj[1].lower() == 'lennard-jones': eps_mix = sqrt(ffi[2] * ffj[2]) if mixing_rule == 'lorentz-berthelot': sig_mix = 0.5 * (ffi[3] + ffj[3]) elif mixing_rule == 'jorgensen': sig_mix = sqrt(ffi[3] * ffj[3]) ff_mix.append('{} {} lennard-jones {:.5f} {:.5f}'.format(ffi[0], ffj[0], eps_mix, sig_mix)) elif 'none' in [ffi[1], ffj[1]]: ff_mix.append('{} {} none'.format(ffi[0], ffj[0])) elif ffi[1].lower() == ffj[1].lower() == 'feynman-hibbs-lennard-jones': eps_mix = sqrt(ffi[2] * ffj[2]) if mixing_rule == 'lorentz-berthelot': sig_mix = 0.5 * (ffi[3] + ffj[3]) elif mixing_rule == 'jorgensen': sig_mix = sqrt(ffi[3] * ffj[3]) reduced_mass = ffi[4] # assuming that ffi==ffj, for the moment ff_mix.append('{} {} feynman-hibbs-lennard-jones {:.5f} {:.5f} {:.5f}'.format( ffi[0], ffj[0], eps_mix, sig_mix, reduced_mass)) else: raise NotImplementedError('FFBuilder is not able to mix different/unknown potentials.') return ff_mix
[docs]def render_ff_def(ff_data, params, ff_mix_found): """Render the force_field.def file.""" output = [] output.append('# rules to overwrite (file generated by aiida-raspa)') output.append(0) output.append('# number of defined interactions') if params['separate_interactions'] or ff_mix_found: ff_list = [] for molecule, ff_name in params['ff_molecules'].items(): for atom_type, val in ff_data[molecule][ff_name]['atom_types'].items(): ff_pot = val['force_field'] if ff_pot == 'dummy_separate': # Exclude molatoms-moldummy interactions ff_list.append([atom_type] + ['none']) else: ff_list.append([atom_type] + ff_pot) mixing_rule = params['mixing_rule'].lower() ff_mix = mix_molecule_ff(ff_list, mixing_rule) output.append(len(ff_mix)) output.append('# type1 type2 interaction') output.extend(ff_mix) else: output.append(0) output.append('# mixing rules to overwrite') output.append(0) string = '\n'.join([str(x) for x in output]) + '\n' return string_to_singlefiledata(string, 'force_field.def')
[docs]def render_pseudo_atoms_def(ff_data, params): """Render the pseudo_atoms.def file.""" output = [] output.append('# number of pseudo atoms') pseudo_atoms_lines = [] for molecule, ff_name in params['ff_molecules'].items(): for atom_type, val in ff_data[molecule][ff_name]['atom_types'].items(): type_settings = val['pseudo_atom'] pseudo_atoms_lines.append(' '.join([str(x) for x in [atom_type] + type_settings])) pseudo_atoms_lines = check_ff_list(pseudo_atoms_lines) output.append(len(pseudo_atoms_lines)) output.append('#type print as chem oxidation mass charge polarization B-factor radii connectivity ' + 'anisotropic anisotropic-type tinker-type') output.extend(pseudo_atoms_lines) string = '\n'.join([str(x) for x in output]) + '\n' return string_to_singlefiledata(string, 'pseudo_atoms.def')
[docs]def render_molecule_def(ff_data, params, molecule_name): """Render the molecule.def file containing the thermophysical data, geometry and intramolecular force field.""" ff_name = params['ff_molecules'][molecule_name] ff_dict = ff_data[molecule_name][ff_name] output = [] output.append('# critical constants: Temperature [T], Pressure [Pa], and Acentric factor [-] ' + '(file generated by aiida-raspa)') output.append(ff_data[molecule_name]['critical_constants']['tc']) output.append(ff_data[molecule_name]['critical_constants']['pc']) output.append(ff_data[molecule_name]['critical_constants']['af']) if ff_dict['atomic_positions'] == 'flexible': # read intermolecular forcefield from file ff_intermol_path = os.path.join(THISDIR, 'ff_flexible', '{}_{}.def'.format(molecule_name, ff_name)) with open(ff_intermol_path, 'r') as ff_intermol: output += [line.strip() for line in ff_intermol.readlines()] else: # rigid molecules: atomic positions provided as list of coordinates natoms = len(ff_dict['atomic_positions']) output.append('# Number Of atoms') output.append(natoms) output.append('# Number of groups (only whole molecule)') output.append(1) output.append('# Group-1: rigid/flexible') output.append('rigid') output.append('# Group-1: Number of atoms') output.append(natoms) output.append('# Group-1: Atomic positions') for i, line in enumerate(ff_dict['atomic_positions']): output.append(' '.join([str(x) for x in [i] + line])) output.append('# Chiral centers Bond BondDipoles Bend UrayBradley InvBend Torsion Imp. Torsion Bond/Bond ' + 'Stretch/Bend Bend/Bend Stretch/Torsion Bend/Torsion IntraVDW IntraCoulomb') output.append(' '.join([str(x) for x in [0] + [natoms - 1] + [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]])) if natoms > 1: output.append('# Bond stretch: atom n1-n2, type, parameters') for i in range(1, natoms): output.append('0 {} RIGID_BOND'.format(i)) output.append('# Number of config moves') output.append(0) string = '\n'.join([str(x) for x in output]) + '\n' return string_to_singlefiledata(string, molecule_name + '.def')
[docs]@calcfunction def ff_builder(params, cif_molecule=None): """AiiDA calcfunction to assemble force filed parameters into SinglefileData for Raspa.""" # PARAMS_EXAMPLE = Dict( dict = { # 'ff_framework': 'UFF', # See force fields available in ff_data.yaml as framework.keys() # 'ff_molecules': { # See molecules available in ff_data.yaml as ff_data.keys() # 'CO2': 'TraPPE', # See force fields available in ff_data.yaml as {molecule}.keys() # 'N2': 'TraPPE', # }, # 'shifted': True, # If True shift despersion interactions, if False simply truncate them. # 'tail_corrections': False, # If True apply tail corrections based on homogeneous-liquid assumption # 'mixing_rule': 'Lorentz-Berthelot', # Options: 'Lorentz-Berthelot' or 'Jorgensen' # 'separate_interactions': True # If True use framework's force field for framework-molecule interactions # }) ff_data = load_yaml() if cif_molecule: ff_data = append_cif_molecule(ff_data, cif_molecule) out_dict = {} out_dict['ff_mixing_def'], ff_mix_found = render_ff_mixing_def(ff_data, params) out_dict['ff_def'] = render_ff_def(ff_data, params, ff_mix_found) out_dict['pseudo_atoms_def'] = render_pseudo_atoms_def(ff_data, params) for molecule_name in params['ff_molecules']: out_dict['molecule_{}_def'.format(molecule_name)] = render_molecule_def(ff_data, params, molecule_name) return out_dict