Source code for aiida_lsmo.workchains.cp2k_phonopy

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Cp2kPhonopyWorkChain workchain"""

import io
import ase
from phonopy import Phonopy
from phonopy.structure.atoms import PhonopyAtoms
from phonopy.interface.phonopy_yaml import PhonopyYaml
from phonopy.units import CP2KToTHz

from aiida.orm import QueryBuilder, Node, load_node
from aiida.plugins import DataFactory, WorkflowFactory
from aiida.common import AttributeDict
from aiida.engine import while_, WorkChain
from aiida_lsmo.utils import aiida_dict_merge

# import sub-workchains
Cp2kBaseWorkChain = WorkflowFactory('cp2k.base')  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

# import aiida data
Str = DataFactory('str')  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Int = DataFactory('int')  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
List = DataFactory('list')  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
Dict = DataFactory('dict')  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
CifData = DataFactory('cif')  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
StructureData = DataFactory('structure')  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
SinglefileData = DataFactory('singlefile')  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

[docs]class Cp2kPhonopyWorkChain(WorkChain): """A workchain to compute phonon frequencies using CP2K and Phonopy"""
[docs] @classmethod def define(cls, spec): """Define workflow specification.""" super().define(spec) spec.input( 'structure', valid_type=StructureData, # not a CifData because it needs to have atom tags for the oxidation states required=True, help='Input structure, output of some Cp2kCalculation.') spec.input( 'cp2kcalc', valid_type=Str, required=False, help='Provide the UUID of a specific Cp2kCalc to be used. If not provided the WC search for an ancestor.') spec.input('mode', valid_type=Str, required=False, default=lambda: Str('serial'), help='Mode of the calculation: "serial" (default) or "parallel".') spec.input('max_displacements', valid_type=Int, required=False, default=lambda: Int(10000), help='Set a maximum number of displacements (or zero) for testing purpose.') spec.expose_inputs(Cp2kBaseWorkChain, namespace='cp2k_base', exclude=['cp2k.structure', 'cp2k.parameters' ]) # Using the default parser: no need for lsmo.cp2k_advanced_parser spec.outline( cls.collect_cp2k_inputs, cls.generate_displacements, cls.run_cp2k_first, while_(cls.should_run_displacement)(cls.run_cp2k_displacement,), cls.results, ) spec.output('initial_forces', valid_type=List, required=True, help='Forces computed on the input structure.') spec.output('phonopy_params', valid_type=SinglefileData, required=True, help='File phonopy_params.yaml with displacements and forces, to be loaded by Phonopy.')
[docs] def collect_cp2k_inputs(self): """Collect Cp2k inputs from the reference CP2K calculation.""" # Use the input Cp2kCal if provided, or look for some ancestor calculation of the input structure if 'cp2kcalc' in self.inputs: ref_cp2k_calc = load_node(uuid=self.inputs.cp2kcalc.value) else: qb_cp2k_calc = QueryBuilder() qb_cp2k_calc.append(Node, filters={'id':}, tag='cif_out') qb_cp2k_calc.append(Node, filters={'attributes.process_label': 'Cp2kCalculation'}, with_descendants='cif_out', tag='calc') ref_cp2k_calc = qb_cp2k_calc.distinct().all()[-1][0]'Using inputs from Cp2kCalculation<{}>, StructureData<{}>') # Collect the other inputs for Cp2kBaseWC from the ref_cp2k_calc to self.ctx.base_inp self.ctx.base_inp = AttributeDict(self.exposed_inputs(Cp2kBaseWorkChain, 'cp2k_base')) self.ctx.base_inp['cp2k']['settings'] = Dict(dict={'additional_retrieve_list': ['']}) self.ctx.base_inp['cp2k']['parent_calc_folder'] = ref_cp2k_calc.outputs.remote_folder self.ctx.base_inp['cp2k']['file'] = {} if 'file' in ref_cp2k_calc.inputs: for edge_label, file_node in ref_cp2k_calc.inputs.file.items(): self.ctx.base_inp['cp2k']['file'][edge_label] = file_node param_modify = Dict( dict={ 'GLOBAL': { # NOTE: I'm using the default parser that gets only the final energy: lowering verbosity 'PRINT_LEVEL': 'LOW', 'RUN_TYPE': 'ENERGY_FORCE' }, 'FORCE_EVAL': { 'STRESS_TENSOR': 'ANALYTICAL', 'PRINT': { 'FORCES': { 'FILENAME': 'forces' } }, 'DFT': { 'WFN_RESTART_FILE_NAME': './parent_calc/aiida-RESTART.wfn', 'SCF': { 'SCF_GUESS': 'RESTART', # if parent_calc was cleared, CP2K won't find the WFN and will set ATOMIC }, 'PRINT': { 'E_DENSITY_CUBE': { '_': 'OFF' }, 'MO_CUBES': { '_': 'OFF' }, 'MULLIKEN': { '_': 'OFF' } } } } }).store() self.ctx.base_inp['cp2k']['parameters'] = aiida_dict_merge(ref_cp2k_calc.inputs['parameters'], param_modify)
[docs] def generate_displacements(self): """Generate displacements using Phonopy""" # CifData to PhonopyAtoms uc_opt_ase = self.inputs.structure.get_ase() uc_opt_pa = PhonopyAtoms(symbols=uc_opt_ase.get_chemical_symbols(), cell=uc_opt_ase.get_cell(), scaled_positions=uc_opt_ase.get_scaled_positions()) # Generate displacements self.ctx.phonon = Phonopy( unitcell=uc_opt_pa, supercell_matrix=None, primitive_matrix=None, factor=CP2KToTHz, ) self.ctx.phonon.generate_displacements(distance=0.01) uc_displ_pa_list = self.ctx.phonon.supercells_with_displacements # List of PhonopyAtoms to list of StructureData # The list will contain the reference optimized structure plus the 6N displacements. # For testing purpose one can use the input "max_displacements" to compute only some of the 6N displacements. self.ctx.sd_list = [] for uc_pa in [uc_opt_pa] + uc_displ_pa_list[:self.inputs.max_displacements.value]: uc_ase = ase.Atoms( cell=uc_opt_pa.get_cell(), # Same for all symbols=uc_opt_pa.get_chemical_symbols(), # Same for all tags=uc_opt_ase.get_tags(), # Important for atoms of the same element with different oxidation state positions=uc_pa.get_positions(), # Different for each displacement ) uc_sd = StructureData(ase=uc_ase) self.ctx.sd_list.append(uc_sd) self.ctx.ndisplacements = len(self.ctx.sd_list) - 1 # = s6N (unless inputs.max_displacements < 6N)
[docs] def run_cp2k_first(self): """Run the first CP2K calculation from scratch for the original structure.""" self.ctx.base_inp['metadata'].update({ 'label': 'cp2k_first', 'call_link_label': 'run_cp2k_first', }) self.ctx.base_inp['cp2k']['structure'] = self.ctx.sd_list[0]'Submit first cp2k') running_base = self.submit(Cp2kBaseWorkChain, **self.ctx.base_inp) self.ctx.index = 0 self.to_context(**{f'cp2kbase_{self.ctx.index}': running_base})
[docs] def should_run_displacement(self): """Prepare the input for computing displacements, and check if all have been computed""" if self.ctx.index == 0: # only cp2k_first computed self.ctx.base_inp['cp2k']['parent_calc_folder'] = self.ctx.cp2kbase_0.outputs.remote_folder self.ctx.index = 1 return True if self.ctx.index < self.ctx.ndisplacements: # still some to compute self.ctx.index += 1 return True # if self.ctx.index == self.ctx.ndisplacements: # all done: this will also be tweeked after parallel calcs! return False
[docs] def run_cp2k_displacement(self): """Run the other CP2K calculations for the given structure with displacement.""" if self.inputs.mode == 'serial': index_list = [self.ctx.index] elif self.inputs.mode == 'parallel': index_list = list(range(1, self.ctx.ndisplacements + 1)) for index in index_list: self.ctx.index = index self.ctx.base_inp['metadata'].update({ 'label': f'cp2k_displ_{self.ctx.index}', 'call_link_label': f'run_cp2k_displ_{self.ctx.index}', }) self.ctx.base_inp['cp2k']['structure'] = self.ctx.sd_list[self.ctx.index]'Submit displacement {self.ctx.index} of {len(self.ctx.sd_list)-1}') running_base = self.submit(Cp2kBaseWorkChain, **self.ctx.base_inp) self.to_context(**{f'cp2kbase_{self.ctx.index}': running_base})
[docs] def results(self): """Parse forces and store them in a PhonopyYaml file.""" sets_of_forces = [] for i in range(0, self.ctx.ndisplacements + 1): cp2k_calc = self.ctx[f'cp2kbase_{i}'].called[-1] # Get the Cp2kCalc from Cp2kBaseWC forces_path = cp2k_calc.get_retrieved_node()._repository._get_base_folder( # pylint: disable=protected-access ).abspath + '/' with open(forces_path, 'r') as forces_file: lines_to_parse = forces_file.readlines()[4:-1] forces_parsed = [list(map(float, l.split()[3:])) for l in lines_to_parse] sets_of_forces.append(forces_parsed) # Output the forces of the initial structure as a List initial_forces = List(list=sets_of_forces[0]) self.out('initial_forces', initial_forces)'Forces computed on the input structure: List<{}>') # Output the forces and displacements as a YAML SinglefileData self.ctx.phonon.set_forces(sets_of_forces[1:]) # Exclude forces on the input structure phpy_yaml = PhonopyYaml() phpy_yaml.set_phonon_info(self.ctx.phonon) phpy_yaml_bytes = bytes(str(phpy_yaml), encoding='utf-8') phpy_yaml_sfd = SinglefileData(file=io.BytesIO(phpy_yaml_bytes), filename='phonopy_params.yaml') self.out('phonopy_params', phpy_yaml_sfd)'Output phonopy_params.yaml: SinglefileData<{}>')